Sunday, July 08, 2007

MS Windows match-boxes... what??

Would you believe if I say Microsoft started a new product - the Windows match boxes. I wouldn't myself but Microsoft Nepal has done that. I wonder when Microsoft established it's office here at Nepal but it sure is a wonder to see Microsoft Windows match boxes in a small restaurant in Kathmandu. Don't believe me - take a look.

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Back of Windows matchbox

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Front side of Windows matchbox

I don't understand why would people do that? Don't they know that the giant would sue them, causing them billions of rupees, on copyright issues? I doubt that they ever informed Microsoft.

My version of what would happen if Microsoft sees it's new product in the market without it's knowledge let alone approval.

Microsoft would come to Nepal and first see me (they have to - who's going to take them to that shop). Then they would ask for the matchbox - I wonder if the match sticks would still be present in that particular box; chances are they would have another box. Unfortunately there is no mention of where, when and by whom it was manufactured in the box - well I had checked that. It ain't gonna make any difference to the giant Microsoft - they would develop a program,which would allow them to enter ..... ok i am digressing. Let's come to an end ... Finally they would be able to catch the local manufacturer, who couldn't even hire a designer to make a logo let alone billions. The giant's dream would shatter :( but with a new hope that now their reach and name will span to the rural people also - unfortunately not as a OS. Rural people would sure laugh when they would see Windows logo in a computer, "he he... we used them to burn."

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